{"id":140,"date":"2023-08-10T18:07:55","date_gmt":"2023-08-10T18:07:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/masteremailtemplate.com\/?p=140"},"modified":"2023-08-10T18:07:55","modified_gmt":"2023-08-10T18:07:55","slug":"how-to-export-email-templates-from-sfmc","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/masteremailtemplate.com\/how-to-export-email-templates-from-sfmc\/","title":{"rendered":"How to export email templates from SFMC"},"content":{"rendered":"

Exporting Email Templates from SFMC: A Comprehensive Guide<\/h1>\n

Are you looking to enhance your email marketing campaigns and streamline your workflow in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC)? One essential aspect of achieving this goal is to master the art of exporting email templates from SFMC. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of exporting email templates, providing you with all the knowledge and insights you need to effectively utilize this feature.<\/p>\n

Understanding the Export Process in SFMC<\/h2>\n

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, let’s first gain a clear understanding of what exporting entails in SFMC. Exporting refers to the process of extracting email templates from SFMC to be saved as HTML files or ZIP files. By exporting email templates, you can leverage them outside of SFMC, making it easier to collaborate with external stakeholders, reuse templates across different platforms, or simply have a backup for future reference.<\/p>\n

SFMC offers two types of email templates: Content Builder Templates and Classic Templates. Content Builder Templates provide a modern and flexible way to create and manage email content, while Classic Templates are based on HTML and offer a more traditional approach. It is important to be familiar with these template types and their differences to ensure a smooth exporting process.<\/p>\n

To prepare email templates for export, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Compatibility is crucial, as you need to ensure that the exported template will work seamlessly in the desired environment. Additionally, it’s essential to check for dynamic content and personalization elements, image hosting and references, as well as any dependencies on AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript.<\/p>\n

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h2>\n

Now that we have a solid foundation, let’s explore the step-by-step process of exporting email templates from SFMC. Whether you are using Content Builder or Classic Templates, the following guide will help you navigate through the export process with ease.<\/p>\n

Accessing the Content Builder or Classic Content Editor<\/h3>\n

To begin the export process, you need to access either the Content Builder or Classic Content Editor in SFMC. These editors serve as the platforms where you create and manage your email templates. Depending on your preference and familiarity, you can choose the most suitable editor for your needs.<\/p>\n

Locating and Selecting the Email Template to Export<\/h3>\n

Once inside the desired editor, you need to locate and select the specific email template you wish to export. This step involves navigating through your template library and identifying the template that aligns with your export requirements. Take your time to ensure you have the correct template selected before proceeding.<\/p>\n

Exporting Content Builder Templates<\/h3>\n

If you are working with Content Builder Templates, SFMC offers two methods of exporting: as HTML files or as ZIP files. The choice between these two options depends on your specific use case and preferences.<\/p>\n

When exporting as HTML files, SFMC generates a standalone HTML file for each content block within the template. This method is ideal when you need to integrate or transfer individual content blocks separately. On the other hand, exporting as ZIP files consolidates all the content blocks into a single compressed file, simplifying the distribution and storage of the entire template.<\/p>\n

Exporting Classic Templates<\/h3>\n

For those utilizing Classic Templates, the export process is also available as HTML files or ZIP files. Similar to Content Builder Templates, exporting as HTML files generates separate HTML files for each component of the template. This method is useful when you need to work on specific sections of the template independently. Alternatively, exporting as ZIP files compresses the entire template into a single file for convenience and ease of sharing.<\/p>\n

Saving Exported Templates to Local Storage or Cloud Storage<\/h3>\n

Once you have successfully exported your email template from SFMC, the final step is to save it to your preferred storage location. This can be your local storage, where you can easily access the template on your computer, or a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox for seamless collaboration and sharing across teams.<\/p>\n

Best Practices for Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h2>\n

Now that you are equipped with the knowledge of how to export email templates from SFMC, it’s crucial to implement best practices to maximize the effectiveness of your exported templates. Let’s explore some key recommendations to ensure a smooth and efficient exporting process.<\/p>\n

Organizing and Naming Convention for Exported Templates<\/h3>\n

Maintaining a well-organized structure and consistent naming convention for your exported templates is essential for future reference and ease of use. Consider implementing a logical folder structure and using descriptive names that reflect the content and purpose of each template. This practice will save you time and effort when searching for specific templates in the future.<\/p>\n

Backup and Version Control for Exported Templates<\/h3>\n

To safeguard against potential data loss or accidental template modifications, it is crucial to implement a robust backup and version control system for your exported templates. Regularly back up your templates to a secure location, and consider utilizing version control tools or documenting template changes to ensure accurate tracking and easy rollback if necessary.<\/p>\n

Documentation and Communication of Exported Templates<\/h3>\n

Effective documentation and communication play a vital role in maximizing the value of your exported templates. Document key details about each template, such as its purpose, target audience, and any special considerations. This documentation will be invaluable when collaborating with external stakeholders or when sharing templates across different teams within your organization.<\/p>\n

Testing and Validating Exported Templates<\/h3>\n

Before deploying your exported templates in live campaigns, thorough testing and validation are crucial to ensure optimal performance. Test the templates across various email clients and devices to ensure consistent rendering and appearance. Verify that dynamic content and personalization elements work as intended, and double-check image hosting and references to ensure they are properly linked. Conduct a comprehensive review of links and tracking parameters to ensure accurate tracking and analytics.<\/p>\n

Troubleshooting and Common Challenges in Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h2>\n

Despite following best practices, you may encounter challenges or issues during the exporting process. Let’s explore some common troubleshooting techniques and solutions to help you overcome these obstacles.<\/p>\n

Handling Template Compatibility Issues<\/h3>\n

If you encounter compatibility issues with your exported templates, it is essential to identify the root cause. Ensure that the template is compatible with the platform or email client you intend to use it in. If compatibility issues persist, consider making necessary adjustments to the template or seeking assistance from SFMC support or community forums.<\/p>\n

Resolving Missing or Broken Assets in Exported Templates<\/h3>\n

Sometimes, assets such as images or stylesheets may be missing or broken when exporting templates from SFMC. To resolve this issue, double-check the image URLs and hosting, ensuring they are accessible and properly linked. If the issue persists, consider re-uploading the assets or reaching out to the relevant stakeholders to ensure the availability and accessibility of the assets.<\/p>\n

Addressing Rendering or Display Issues in Different Email Clients<\/h3>\n

Due to the vast array of email clients and their varying rendering capabilities, it is common to encounter rendering or display issues in different environments. To address this challenge, thoroughly test your exported templates across popular email clients and devices, ensuring they display correctly. Utilize email testing tools or consult SFMC resources for best practices on optimizing template rendering across different platforms.<\/p>\n

Troubleshooting Dynamic Content or Personalization Errors<\/h3>\n

If dynamic content or personalization elements are not functioning correctly in your exported templates, verify that the necessary data extensions or data attributes are correctly configured. Check for any discrepancies in the personalization syntax or dynamic content rules. If issues persist, consult SFMC documentation or seek assistance from the SFMC community to resolve the errors.<\/p>\n

Dealing with AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript Dependencies<\/h3>\n

If your exported templates rely on AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript, it is crucial to ensure that all necessary dependencies are properly handled when exporting. Verify that the required scripts or functions are accessible and correctly referenced in the exported template. If you encounter issues, consult SFMC documentation or reach out to SFMC support for guidance on handling these dependencies.<\/p>\n


Exporting email templates from SFMC is a powerful capability that empowers marketers to leverage their templates beyond the confines of the platform. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing best practices outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively export email templates, collaborate with external stakeholders, and streamline your email marketing campaigns. Remember to thoroughly test and validate your exported templates, troubleshoot any challenges that arise, and always stay up to date with the latest best practices provided by SFMC. With these skills in your toolkit, you are well on your way to harnessing the full potential of SFMC and achieving email marketing success.<\/p>\n

Understanding the Export Process in SFMC<\/h1>\n

To effectively export email templates from Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the export process. In this section, we will explore what exporting entails in SFMC and delve into the different types of email templates available in the platform.<\/p>\n

What is Exporting in SFMC?<\/h2>\n

Exporting in SFMC refers to the process of extracting email templates from the platform to be saved as HTML files or ZIP files. This allows users to utilize the templates outside of SFMC, providing flexibility in collaboration, reusability, and backup purposes. Whether you want to share templates with external stakeholders, import them into different platforms, or simply have a local copy for reference, exporting is a vital feature to master.<\/p>\n

Different Types of Email Templates in SFMC<\/h2>\n

SFMC offers two main types of email templates: Content Builder Templates and Classic Templates. Understanding the differences between these template types is crucial for successful exporting.<\/p>\n

Content Builder Templates<\/h3>\n

Content Builder Templates are modern, drag-and-drop templates that allow marketers to create and manage email content in a flexible and intuitive manner. These templates are built using content blocks that can be easily rearranged and customized. Content Builder Templates offer a wide range of features, including dynamic content, personalization, and responsive design capabilities. When exporting Content Builder Templates, you have the option to export them as HTML files or ZIP files.<\/p>\n

Classic Templates<\/h3>\n

Classic Templates, on the other hand, are based on HTML and offer a more traditional approach to email template creation. These templates require knowledge of HTML coding and are ideal for users who prefer a more hands-on approach to template design. Classic Templates provide full control over the HTML structure and allow for more advanced customization. Similar to Content Builder Templates, Classic Templates can be exported as HTML files or ZIP files.<\/p>\n

Preparing Email Templates for Export<\/h2>\n

Before exporting email templates from SFMC, it is important to ensure that the templates are properly prepared to avoid any issues during the export process. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:<\/p>\n

Ensuring Template Compatibility<\/h3>\n

Before exporting, it is crucial to ensure that the template is compatible with the intended environment where it will be used. This includes verifying compatibility with different email clients, web browsers, and devices. By testing the template in various environments, you can identify and address any compatibility issues before exporting.<\/p>\n

Checking for Dynamic Content and Personalization<\/h3>\n

If your email template includes dynamic content or personalization elements, it is important to double-check that they are set up correctly. Ensure that the necessary data extensions or data attributes are properly configured and that the personalization syntax is accurate. By thoroughly reviewing dynamic content and personalization elements, you can ensure that they will function correctly when the template is exported.<\/p>\n

Verifying Image Hosting and References<\/h3>\n

Images play a crucial role in email templates, and it is essential to verify that image hosting and references are set up correctly before exporting. Ensure that images are hosted in a location accessible to the intended environment, and double-check that image references in the template are accurate. This will ensure that images are properly displayed when the template is exported and used outside of SFMC.<\/p>\n

Resolving AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript Dependencies<\/h3>\n

If your email template relies on AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript, it is important to ensure that any necessary dependencies are properly handled before exporting. Verify that the required scripts or functions are accessible and correctly referenced in the template. If there are any dependencies that are not properly resolved, it may result in errors or issues when the template is exported and used outside of SFMC.<\/p>\n

By taking the time to properly prepare your email templates for export, you can ensure a smooth and seamless exporting process. Addressing compatibility, dynamic content, image hosting, and dependencies will help avoid any potential issues and ensure that the exported templates are ready for use in other platforms or environments.<\/p>\n

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h1>\n

Now that we have a solid understanding of the export process in SFMC and have prepared our email templates, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide for exporting email templates. Whether you are working with Content Builder Templates or Classic Templates, this guide will walk you through the process, ensuring a seamless and successful export.<\/p>\n

Accessing the Content Builder or Classic Content Editor<\/h2>\n

The first step in the export process is to access the appropriate editor in SFMC. If you are working with Content Builder Templates, navigate to the Content Builder section in SFMC. Here, you will find a user-friendly interface that allows you to create and manage your templates using drag-and-drop functionality.<\/p>\n

For Classic Templates, you will need to access the Classic Content Editor. This editor provides a more traditional approach, where you can directly edit the HTML code of your templates. To access the Classic Content Editor, go to the Email Studio section in SFMC and select the Classic Content option.<\/p>\n

Locating and Selecting the Email Template to Export<\/h2>\n

Once you are within the desired editor, it’s time to locate and select the specific email template you want to export. In the Content Builder, you will have a library of templates organized in folders. Browse through the folders and select the template that you wish to export.<\/p>\n

In the Classic Content Editor, you will see a list of your templates. Scroll through the list or use the search function to find the template you want to export. Once you have located the template, click on it to proceed with the export process.<\/p>\n

Exporting Content Builder Templates<\/h2>\n

If you are working with Content Builder Templates, SFMC provides two options for exporting: as HTML files or as ZIP files. The method you choose will depend on your specific requirements and preferences.<\/p>\n

To export as HTML files, locate the Actions menu for the template you want to export. Click on the Export option and choose the HTML option. SFMC will generate individual HTML files for each content block within the template. This method allows for more granular control and flexibility when integrating or transferring individual content blocks.<\/p>\n

Alternatively, if you prefer to export the entire template as a single file, you can choose the ZIP option from the Export menu. SFMC will generate a compressed ZIP file that contains all the content blocks and assets of the template. This method simplifies the distribution and storage of the entire template.<\/p>\n

Exporting Classic Templates<\/h2>\n

For those using Classic Templates, the exporting process is similar to Content Builder Templates. You can choose to export as HTML files or as ZIP files, depending on your needs.<\/p>\n

To export as HTML files, navigate to the Actions menu for the desired template and select the Export option. From the Export menu, choose the HTML option. SFMC will generate individual HTML files for each component of the template, allowing for independent editing and customization.<\/p>\n

If you prefer to export the entire Classic Template as a single file, select the ZIP option from the Export menu. SFMC will create a compressed ZIP file that contains all the necessary files and assets of the template. This method simplifies the sharing and storage of the entire template.<\/p>\n

Saving Exported Templates to Local Storage or Cloud Storage<\/h2>\n

Once the exporting process is complete, it’s time to save the exported templates to your preferred storage location. You have the option to save the templates on your local storage, such as your computer or a designated folder, for easy access and editing.<\/p>\n

Alternatively, you can save the exported templates to a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Salesforce Files. This allows for seamless collaboration and sharing with team members or external stakeholders.<\/p>\n

By saving the exported templates to a secure storage location, you ensure that they are easily accessible whenever you need to import them into other platforms or share them with colleagues. It’s good practice to organize your templates in a logical folder structure and use descriptive names for easy identification and retrieval.<\/p>\n

Best Practices for Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h1>\n

Exporting email templates from Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) is a critical step in maximizing the value and versatility of your templates. To ensure a smooth and efficient exporting process, it is essential to implement best practices. In this section, we will explore some key recommendations to optimize your exporting workflow and maximize the impact of your exported templates.<\/p>\n

Organizing and Naming Convention for Exported Templates<\/h2>\n

Maintaining a well-organized structure and consistent naming convention for your exported templates is crucial for efficient management and future reference. Consider implementing a logical folder structure within your storage system to categorize your templates based on campaign type, target audience, or any other relevant criteria. This organization will make it easier to locate specific templates when needed.<\/p>\n

In addition to organizing your templates, using a consistent naming convention is essential. Choose descriptive names that accurately reflect the content and purpose of each template. This helps in quickly identifying the desired template and avoids confusion when working with a large number of exported templates. By establishing a clear and standardized naming convention, you enhance collaboration and streamline your workflow.<\/p>\n

Backup and Version Control for Exported Templates<\/h2>\n

To safeguard against potential data loss or accidental modifications, it is crucial to implement a robust backup and version control system for your exported templates. Regularly back up your exported templates to a secure location, such as a dedicated folder on your computer or a cloud storage service. This ensures that you have a reliable copy of your templates in case of any unforeseen circumstances.<\/p>\n

In addition to backups, version control is essential for tracking changes and managing template revisions. Consider utilizing version control tools or implementing a system that allows you to keep track of different iterations of your templates. This way, you can easily roll back to previous versions if needed or collaborate with team members while ensuring everyone is working on the most up-to-date version.<\/p>\n

Documentation and Communication of Exported Templates<\/h2>\n

Effective documentation and communication are crucial aspects of working with exported templates. Documenting key details about each template, such as its purpose, target audience, and any special considerations, helps provide context and guidance to team members or external stakeholders who may be working with the templates.<\/p>\n

Consider creating a template documentation template or using a project management tool to capture important information. This documentation can include details about the template structure, dynamic content and personalization options, recommended use cases, and any specific instructions or restrictions. By having comprehensive documentation, you ensure that the knowledge about your templates is easily accessible and transferable.<\/p>\n

In addition to documentation, clear communication about the availability and intended use of exported templates is crucial. Communicate with relevant stakeholders, such as designers, copywriters, or other team members, about the existence and location of the exported templates. This ensures that everyone is aware of the available resources and can leverage them effectively in their respective roles.<\/p>\n

Testing and Validating Exported Templates<\/h2>\n

Before deploying your exported templates in live campaigns or using them in other platforms, it is essential to thoroughly test and validate them. Testing ensures that the templates render correctly across different email clients, devices, and screen sizes, providing a consistent and engaging experience for your recipients.<\/p>\n

Conduct compatibility testing by sending test emails to various email clients and devices. This helps identify any rendering issues or inconsistencies that may arise in different environments. Pay close attention to the layout, font styles, images, and dynamic content to ensure they appear as intended.<\/p>\n

Verify that personalization and dynamic content elements, such as merge fields or conditional content, function correctly in the exported templates. Double-check that image hosting and references are accurate and properly linked to ensure that images load properly. Test any links within the templates to ensure they direct recipients to the intended destinations.<\/p>\n

By thoroughly testing and validating your exported templates, you minimize the risk of errors or usability issues and ensure that the templates deliver the intended experience to your audience.<\/p>\n

Troubleshooting and Common Challenges in Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h2>\n

Despite following best practices, you may encounter challenges or issues during the exporting process. In the next section, we will explore common troubleshooting techniques and solutions to help you overcome these obstacles.<\/p>\n

Troubleshooting and Common Challenges in Exporting Email Templates from SFMC<\/h1>\n

While exporting email templates from Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) can be a straightforward process, you may encounter challenges or issues along the way. In this section, we will explore common troubleshooting techniques and provide solutions to help you overcome these obstacles.<\/p>\n

Handling Template Compatibility Issues<\/h2>\n

One common challenge during the export process is template compatibility. Sometimes, the exported template may not render as expected in the intended environment. To address this issue, it is crucial to identify the root cause of the compatibility problem.<\/p>\n

Start by ensuring that the template is compatible with the email clients, web browsers, and devices you plan to use. Different email clients have varying HTML and CSS rendering capabilities, which can affect how your template appears to recipients. Test your exported template across multiple email clients and devices to identify any compatibility issues and make the necessary adjustments.<\/p>\n

If compatibility issues persist, consult SFMC documentation or reach out to SFMC support for guidance. They can provide insights into common compatibility challenges and offer solutions to ensure your templates render correctly across various platforms.<\/p>\n

Resolving Missing or Broken Assets in Exported Templates<\/h2>\n

Another challenge you might encounter when exporting templates is missing or broken assets, such as images or stylesheets. This can result in templates that do not display correctly or have broken elements.<\/p>\n

To address this issue, double-check the URLs and hosting of your assets. Ensure that the images and stylesheets are hosted in a location accessible to the environment where you plan to use the exported templates. Verify that the image references in the template are accurate and properly linked to the hosted assets. If any assets are missing or broken, consider re-uploading them or reaching out to the relevant stakeholders to ensure their availability and accessibility.<\/p>\n

Regularly testing the exported templates and validating the display of assets can help identify and resolve any missing or broken asset issues before using the templates in live campaigns.<\/p>\n

Addressing Rendering or Display Issues in Different Email Clients<\/h2>\n

Due to the wide range of email clients and their varying rendering capabilities, it is common to encounter rendering or display issues when exporting templates from SFMC. Your template may appear differently across various email clients, resulting in inconsistencies in its appearance.<\/p>\n

To address rendering or display issues, comprehensive testing is crucial. Send test emails of your exported templates to different email clients and devices to observe how they render. Pay attention to elements such as layout, font styles, images, and dynamic content. Identifying any inconsistencies or issues will allow you to make adjustments to ensure a consistent and visually appealing display across different email clients.<\/p>\n

Utilize email testing tools or consult SFMC resources for best practices on optimizing template rendering. These resources often provide guidance on coding techniques, CSS styles, and other considerations to ensure your templates look their best in different email clients.<\/p>\n

Troubleshooting Dynamic Content or Personalization Errors<\/h2>\n

If your exported templates include dynamic content or personalization elements, it is essential to ensure that they function correctly. Sometimes, errors can occur, resulting in broken or inconsistent dynamic content.<\/p>\n

To troubleshoot dynamic content or personalization errors, review the configuration of your data extensions or data attributes. Verify that the necessary data fields are correctly mapped and populated with the relevant data. Check for any discrepancies in the personalization syntax or dynamic content rules within the template.<\/p>\n

If issues persist, consult SFMC documentation or seek assistance from the SFMC community. They can provide guidance on troubleshooting specific dynamic content or personalization errors and offer solutions that align with best practices.<\/p>\n

Dealing with AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript Dependencies<\/h2>\n

If your exported templates rely on AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript, it is crucial to ensure that any dependencies are properly handled during the export process. These dependencies can range from scripts or functions that manipulate data to more complex logic.<\/p>\n

To address AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript dependencies, verify that the required scripts or functions are accessible and correctly referenced within the exported template. Double-check that any necessary libraries or external resources are included or linked properly.<\/p>\n

If you encounter issues related to AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript dependencies, consult SFMC documentation or reach out to SFMC support for assistance. They can provide guidance on handling these dependencies and offer solutions to address any errors or compatibility issues that may arise.<\/p>\n

By troubleshooting and addressing these common challenges, you can ensure a smooth exporting process and maximize the effectiveness of your exported templates. Remember to thoroughly test your templates, validate their display, and seek support or guidance when needed to resolve any issues that may arise.<\/p>\n


Exporting email templates from Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) is a powerful capability that allows marketers to leverage their templates beyond the platform. In this comprehensive guide, we have covered the essential aspects of exporting email templates from SFMC, including the understanding of the export process, step-by-step guide, best practices, and troubleshooting common challenges.<\/p>\n

By mastering the export process, you can collaborate with external stakeholders, reuse templates across different platforms, and maintain backups for future reference. Whether you are working with Content Builder Templates or Classic Templates, SFMC offers flexibility in exporting options, allowing you to choose between exporting as HTML files or ZIP files.<\/p>\n

To ensure a smooth exporting process, it is important to prepare your email templates by checking compatibility, verifying dynamic content and personalization elements, validating image hosting and references, and resolving any dependencies on AMPscript or Server-Side JavaScript.<\/p>\n

Implementing best practices such as organizing and naming conventions, backup and version control, documentation, and thorough testing will enhance your workflow and maximize the effectiveness of your exported templates. By following these recommendations, you can streamline your email marketing campaigns and ensure consistency and efficiency in your template management.<\/p>\n

In the event of any challenges or issues during the exporting process, we have provided troubleshooting techniques to address common problems. From handling template compatibility issues to resolving missing or broken assets, and addressing rendering or display issues in different email clients, these solutions will help you overcome obstacles and ensure the successful export of your templates.<\/p>\n

With the knowledge and insights gained from this guide, you are well-equipped to export email templates from SFMC with confidence. Remember to continuously keep up with SFMC updates, best practices, and community resources to stay at the forefront of email marketing excellence.<\/p>\n

So go ahead, explore the export capabilities of SFMC, and unlock the full potential of your email templates. Export, collaborate, and elevate your email marketing campaigns to new heights!<\/p>\n


Exporting Email Templates from SFMC: A Comprehensive Guide Are you looking to enhance your email marketing campaigns and streamline your workflow in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC)? One essential aspect of achieving this goal is to master the art of exporting email templates from SFMC. 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